Legalization · Series



The Manitoba government allows adults to consume cannabis in the comfort of a private residence, but prohibits it in public spaces, such as streets, sidewalks, parks, beaches, school grounds, restaurant patios, the grounds of healthcare facilities. It is also prohibited to smoke or vapourize cannabis in enclosed public spaces, excluding designated rooms in a palliative care unit or end-of-life hospice.

Age to buy


Must be 19 years old to purchase or possess cannabis

How many plants per household?


Individual cultivation of cannabis in private homes is prohibited

How to access

The province’s Liquor and Gaming Authority regulates the purchase, storage, distribution, and retail of cannabis. The Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries Corporation secures and tracks the provincial cannabis supply. Private retailers are permitted to sell cannabis in store or online.

You can shop Tweed online here, or you can find a store near you. Both options are a-okay in our books.

This information was obtained from various government frameworks on the legalization of cannabis for recreational use. For further information on this topic, you should consult the relevant government websites. This section is not intended to provide legal advice and must not be relied upon as such. While we will try to keep the information in this section up to date, we cannot guarantee that the information will be current at all times. For all legal inquiries, please make sure to consult a lawyer.