Legalization · Series



The Alberta government allows adults to consume cannabis in the comfort of a private residence or some public spaces where smoking tobacco is allowed. Know the local laws of your area for exact details.

Smoking cannabis is restricted in areas such as public spaces, vehicles, and areas frequented by children. It is also not permitted in areas where smoking or vaping are prohibited.

Age to buy


Must be 18 years old to purchase or possess cannabis

How many plants per household?


Maximum of four cannabis plants per household

How to access

Private retailers operate physical stores under the supervision of the province’s liquor commission.

As for online sales, the provincial government operates online retail. You can check that out at

The sale of cannabis products is not permitted where alcohol, pharmaceuticals, and tobacco are available for sale.

This information was obtained from various government frameworks on the legalization of cannabis for recreational use. For further information on this topic, you should consult the relevant government websites. This section is not intended to provide legal advice and must not be relied upon as such. While we will try to keep the information in this section up to date, we cannot guarantee that the information will be current at all times. For all legal inquiries, please make sure to consult a lawyer.